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Read and Download the Rules

If you plan on participating, please read our complete rules below, or for PDF format, Click Here to download.




The top priority at all Endless Wave Tour (EWT) competitions is safety. Each EWT competition will be staffed by trained officials, judges, and event staff. Competitors need to understand that there is an inherent danger in all watersports activities and strict adherence to instructions from the boat judges and driver is crucial. All competitors must wear a U.S. Coast Guard approved personal flotation device (PFD). A competition vest that will completely float a competitor who is unconscious will also suffice. It is the responsibility of the competitor to ensure their PFD is substantial in this regard.


Unsportsman like conduct will include any of the following: Conduct unbecoming the wakesurf way of life; conduct that may cause danger to anyone at the event site; conduct that may cause damage to the event site; use of profanity that disrupts the atmosphere of the competition. Unsportsmanlike conduct can be punishable by disqualification of the competitor. In the event that noncompetitors create disrup- tions, the event coordinator may remove the person(s) from the event site. All disqualifications must be handled through the event coordinator and head judge at the event.


The EWT will host multiple tour stops across the country. EWT events are typically three to four days in length and include clinics, demos, and competitions. Each venue will offer the chance to win freebies and shopping for the most cutting edge watersports products (boats, boards, and the latest in board sports fashion and apparel). Prizes will be given out to the top riders in the amateur divisions and a cash purse will be offered for the pro divisions.


Each EWT competition will offer a cash purse of $13,000 for the pro divisions. The cash purse will be divided amongst the qualifying pro divisions proportionally to the number of competitors in the respec- tive division. So that the divisions with the most competitors will receive the largest share of the cash purse and the divisions with the least will receive the least. Each pro division will be offered a minimum of $2,250 ($1,000 1st place / $750 2nd place / $500 3rd place). A qualifying professional division must have at least three (3) competitors.


Competitors will be given ample opportunity to register for each individual tour stop. Registration will be done online using the EWT web page. Some events may allow late, onsite rider registrations. Competi- tors will be given a choice to enter a division best suited for their skill level and style of riding. Competi- tors will register using the guidelines listed on the following page.

Each rider is responsible to enter only the division in which he/she is eligible. Age restrictions are of January 1, current year.

i. Juniors – Under 14
ii. Amateur Men 14 to 44

1. Surf

2. Skim
iii. Amateur Women 14 to 44

1. Surf

2. Skim
iv. Semi Pro Men No age restriction

1. Surf

2. Skim
v. Semi Pro Women No age restriction

1. Surf

2. Skim
vi. Pro Men No age restriction

1. Surf

2. Skim
vii. Pro Women – No age restriction

1. Surf

2. Skim
viii. Masters Men – 45 years and older

1. Surf

2. Skim
ix. Masters Women 45 years and older

1. Surf 2. Skim

Riders meeting any of the following criteria may not participate in the Amateur divisions and must register in the Pro or Semi-Pro divisions.

i. Sponsorship resulting in a minimum of $500 in Cash or Products over single season.
ii. Consideration as a Pro or Semi Pro from previous season.
iii. Cumulative prize money over $500 from wakesurf event(s) in a single season.
iv. Riders wishing to participate in the Pro and/or Semi Pro divisions who can demonstrate

the skills and riding ability to be considered competitive in the Pro and/or Semi Pro division(s).

Skim, Surf, and Longboard. Riders will use the following guidelines to determine which style best suits them based on their equipment and style of riding. The equipment definitions are not in- tended to limit the development or progression of wakesurf board design. The definitions should be used as a method of ensuring that competitors are using the proper wakesurf board for their respective division. The rider shall be responsible to ensure that his/her equipment meets the criteria described herein. Should his/her equipment not meet this criteria, the rider may be subject to disqualification. Should any rider have questions regarding his/her equipment they are encouraged to request clarification from the head judge.

i. Skim Style Definition
The foundation of skim style riding includes controlled, technical maneuvers such as surface rotations, ollies, and shuvits. Riders tend to remain somewhat stationary in the pocket while performing their maneuvers. The rail of a skim style wakesurf board is used for tracking, propulsion, and control. Skim style maneuvers are performed on the surface and above the lip. Rotations can be either front side or backside. Advanced maneuvers involve combining shuvs, rotations, and body varials (e.g. big spins).

ii. Skim Style Equipment
Skim style wakesurf boards are typically nondirectional by design with more uniform vol- ume distribution. The rails of skim style wakesurf boards are uniform in shape from nose to tail, with virtually no tuck (down rails) and a hard bottom edge from nose to tail. Skim style boards are thin (usually less than 1” thick) and contain very little, if any, tail rocker (generally less than 0.25”), and a comparatively low overall nose rocker (generally less than 1.5”). Skim style wakesurf boards either completely lack fins or generally just have one center fin positioned towards the tail edge of the board to slightly up from the tail. The fin is straight, not toed in at an angle or canted out at an angle. Skim style fins are usually less than one and a half inches (1.5” in height, and longer than five inches (5”) in length.

iii. Surf Style Definition
The foundation of surf style riding includes carving turns, slashes, and aerial maneuvers. The rider will use the entire wake to generate speed in surf style riding. The fins of a surf style wakesurf board are used for tracking, propulsion, and control. This translates into powerful maneuvers both on the surface and above the lip.

Riders performing aerial maneuvers (when rotational in nature) will rotate with the board in unison either front side or backside. Generally speaking, the rider’s feet do not leave the board. However, some advanced maneuvers do involve riders separating from their boards. These maneuvers are always hand assisted or involve ‘grabbing’ the board to maintain control.

iv. Surf Style Equipment
Surf Style wakesurf boards are directional in shape with clear differences in the volume distribution between the tail and the nose of the board (i.e. width and thickness). The rails of Surf Style wakesurf boards are not uniform in shape from nose to tail, and show marked differences in tuck (curvature of bottom half of rail) from the tail of the board
to the nose. Rails in the tail area are typically boxy, down rails with very little tuck and progress to softer more rounded rails with more tuck through the middle and towards the nose. Surf Style wakesurf boards will have at least two (2) fins in excess of four (4) inch- es in height, and may have more fins spread across the tail section. Surf Style Wakesurf boards will have two main drive fins placed symmetrically on opposite sides of the board. These fins are placed at least 10” from the tail, toed in towards the nose and canted out towards the rail. Overall, surf style boards tend to be thicker and will contain some tail rocker (0.25” to 1”), and noticeably greater nose rocker (generally 3” or more total nose rocker).

v. Longboard Defintion
1. The popularity of longboarding has brought with it a need to develop a judging philosophy. In an effort to develop and nurture the sport and pay homage to the classic riding style of the past, criteria for judging are presented below. The longboard division is not intended to provide an exhibition of modern riding on longer boards. Other divisions cater to modern day wakesurfing. The criterion set out below presents an approach to recreate a wakesurfing version of the longboard era of ocean surfing, which still allows creativity, specialization and development of the art. Longboarding will be judged on a combination of traditional and contemporary maneuvers with con- trol being a major component. Traditional longboarding maneuvers include:

a. Nose riding, trimming, and stalling b. Walking on the board
c. Standing and crouching
d. Bottom turns

e. Drop knee slashes
f. Head dips and coverups.
g. A surfer may embellish his performance with soul arches, grace and style,

although these are not considered maneuvers as such.

2. Judges must consider the difference in accomplishment in various nose rides, such as stretch or cheater fives, hang fives, hang tens, and walking back to the tail to continue the ride, and clean conclusions to the ride such as island pullouts as op- posed to wipe outs to conclude the ride. Walking cleanly and precisely foot over foot to the nose and back to the tail is obviously superior to shuffling forward and back. Classic nose rides are usually best when the walk to the nose is set up by a tail stall or directly in or from the arc of a turn. It is not necessary for a surfer to “work the wave over” in this division. Simple trimming or climbing and dropping, if performed with control in the critical part of a wave, may receive a high score.

or directly in or from the arc of a turn. It is not necessary for a surfer to “work the wave over” in this division. Simple trimming or climbing and dropping, if performed with control in the critical part of a wave, may receive a high score.

vi. Longboard Style Equipment
Entry into the longboard division requires the rider utilize a board that is at least 5.5 feet long, with a center fin of at least 6” in length. Accessory side bite fins can be used at
the rider’s discretion.

Dual registration for Surf Style and Skim Style will not be allowed in the Amateur Divisions. Dual registration for Surf Style and Skim Style in the SemiPro and Pro divisions will be considered by each event coordinator on a case by case basis.

At the close of registration the event coordinator will create the official riders list using these guidelines:

i. Any division may be limited to a maximum number of riders based on the needs of the event coordinator.

ii. A minimum of three (3) riders must be registered to open any division.
iii. Juniors will run as a combined gender/style division with boys and girls competing

together and no separation for surf/skim.
iv. In the event of less than three (3) registered riders in any division, the event coordinator

may choose to cancel the division, or to open the division as a combined style (surf and skim). Additionally, the event coordinator may choose to open the division as a combined gender (male and female). A minimum of five (5) riders will be required to combine the styles of either Men’s or Women’s divisions in the amateur class.

Prior to competing, each competitor is responsible for submitting the required forms as specified by the event coordinator. Prior to competing, each competitor must disclose to the event organiz- er any special medical conditions including, but not limited to, injuries (past or present) or other preexisting medical conditions. No rider under the legal age of majority in the state in which the contest takes place may compete without the written consent (signature on liability releases and entry forms) of his/her parents or legal guardians present at the contest. An authorized adult acting on behalf of the parents or legal guardians must provide a notarized statement indicating they have been given the authority by the parent or legal guardian to be responsible for the minor during the contest. The parents, legal guardians, or authorized adult must remain present while the rider they’re responsible for is competing.



Each competitor will make multiple passes during the contest. Each pass will be scored sepa- rately using the DIVE scoring system described herein. The score(s) from the best two passes over the duration of the contest will be added together for the riders overall score.

Each competitor will make one run (two passes) during the contest. The entire run will be scored using the DIVE scoring system described herein. The overall score from the run will be used to determine the riders overall score.

Each competitor will make one run (two passes) during the contest. The entire run will be scored using the Longboard Scoring System described herein. The overall score from the run will be used to determine the riders overall score.


Every attempt will be made to keep the event running in a timely manner.

The head judge will set up the running order for each day’s riding and will have the daily running order displayed in a timely manner. If a rider fails to be on hand and ready to ride when it is his/ her turn to start, the Dock Starter may recommend disqualification to the Head Judge; howev-
er, the Dock Starter may grant up to one additional minute of time for emergencies developing or discovered just prior to the rider’s turn to ride (e.g. broken fin). In the case where a rider has been disqualified or has been scratched, a three minute delay shall be granted to the next rider in the starting order if she/he was not on the starting dock at the time of disqualification. If more than one rider has been disqualified or has scratched, the time allotted to the next rider shall be three minutes for each rider disqualified or scratched.

The course distance will be set to give the rider (two) one minute passes (one minute out, and one minute back) at the established baseline speed. The course will be clearly marked by large buoys at either end. A short runup distance will be required at both ends of the course to allow the surf wake to form and the rider to get set.

The rider enters the course and judging begins after passing the start buoy and dropping the rope. Maneuvers performed before the rider enters the course or while holding the rope will not be considered for scoring purposes. The rider exits the course after passing the end buoy. Ma- neuvers performed passed the end buoy will be considered for scoring purposes as long as the maneuver is started before the end buoy, and finished in a reasonable amount of distance.

Each competitor will be given a minimum of two passes. Riders are encouraged to perform a smooth flowing routine with a wide variety of maneuvers. Riders are also strongly encouraged to surf in the appropriate style as defined in the language above.

The head judge will set up the boat in a manner that will create a high quality surf wake. The rider may request changes to the baseline boat speed and surf wake steepness, as long as it is within the tolerance allowed by the site and/or course. The rider may also request changes to the surf system which would allow surfing on either side i.e., surf left or surf right.It is the sole re- sponsibility of the competitor to communicate with the boat driver regarding changing of speed, surf system, and surf sides.

Riders are allowed two (2) falls per pass. After the second fall of their 1st pass the rider will be taken to the end of the course to start their second pass. After the second fall of their 2nd pass, the rider will be taken back to the dock. After falling, a rider may only swim to their board. Swim- ming back up the course to increase ride distance can result in disqualification.

The Contest Organizer and Head Judge can disallow maneuvers, which leave loose equipment on the course. It is the rider’s responsibility to inform the Head Judge of a maneuver which will result in loose equipment on the course.


The EWT is committed to staffing well trained judging teams and boat drivers. Judging teams will consist of three (3) or five (5) judges, driver, scribe (as needed), and photographer. The assigned judging team will remain on the boat for the entire division. The same teams will judge the same divisions for multiple day events. The Head Judge will be responsible for the validity of the judging teams.


Wakesurf scoring criteria is the measure by which a rider’s performance is judged. An understanding
of the criteria is important to both judge and competitor. This judging guide defines elements of wake- surfing criteria. Wakesurf judging is a subjective assessment. For a competitive event this evaluation must be converted into a score or ranking. The elements of wakesurfing criteria are an aid to convert
a subjective evaluation into a score or ranking. The elements of wakesurfing criteria include Difficulty, Intensity, Variety and Execution. Each of these elements should weigh equally toward the composition
of a score. Skim Style Riders should base their entire run on skim style maneuvers. A limited amount of surf style maneuvers will be considered when scoring as it can add to the difficulty, intensity, variety and execution of the riders run. However, the overall run should demonstrate the rider’s proficiency in Skim Style riding. Surf Style Riders should base their entire run on surf style maneuvers. A limited amount of skim style maneuvers will be considered when scoring, as it can add to the difficulty, intensity, variety and execution of the riders run. However, the overall run should demonstrate the rider’s proficiency in Surf Style riding.

Technical Difficulty This is simply defined as how difficult each maneuver is based on any num- ber of variables. Spins, stalls, embellishments, the way a rider lands, etc., all subjectively define how difficult certain maneuvers are in comparison to others. Variables reflecting Degree of Diffi- culty include, but are not limited to;

  1. Number of rotations
  2. Combos (combining maneuvers)
  3. The direction a rider and/or board spins.
  4. Frontside or backside approach and/or finish
  5. Switch vs. regular stance
  6. Grabbed, boned, stalled or other embellishments

Judges should look for how aggressive and powerful a rider is performing their maneuvers. This is typically noted on the judge’s sheet by a plus sign, “+”. If the maneuver was incredibly power- ful, the judge may place 2 plus signs next to a maneuver notation on the judge’s sheet, “+ +”. Conversely, maneuvers done marginally may have a notation with a minus “-“ sign.

The variety of maneuvers performed in a pass is what judges are looking for in order to deter- mine the most versatile rider. Wake surfing has categories of maneuvers such as: straight airs, surface spins, ollies, air rotational, combinations, etc. The volume of variety among the category of maneuvers performed relative to the other riders should be reflected in the subjective scoring category of “Variety.” Items to consider when evaluating Variety include, but are not limited to:

  1. Were the manuevers all based on the same trick? (360, 540, 720 are all similar)
  2. Were the grabs different?
  3. Did the rider and/or board spin both directions?
  4. Although not an absolute determining factor in scoring any subjective category, the

    total number of maneuvers performed will be given appropriate consideration.

This is essentially how well the maneuver was performed and the level of control maintained
by the rider throughout the completion of the maneuver. Perfection Judges are looking for how “clean” or how well executed EACH maneuver was in the run. Appropriate considerations for Exe- cution include, but are not limited to

  1. Approach
  2. Body position
  3. Degree of rotation
  4. The axis of body and/or board
  5. Degree of solid grabs
  6. Degree of boned leg
  7. Length and control of stalls
  8. Flow and composition of the overall run


Riders can earn points based on their rankings at each EWT competition.


Protests in a.

b. c.

d. e.


any competitive event are inevitable. These challenges will be handled as follows:

Protests of course conditions must be done in a timely manner and before the rider finishes her/his run.
Protests shall be granted, when the majority of judges agree, that the rider had unfair condi tions. The protested run will be performed when the Head Judge decides.

Equipment Protest shall be considered regarding a competitor’s equipment. All equipment protest shall be submitted to the Head Judge and/or event organizer at least one (1) hour prior the start of the division in which the protested equipment is used.
No protest shall ever be permitted on a subjective judgment decision by the Judges.
Protest requests must be submitted to the Head Judge within one (1) hour of the publication of the score or ranking for the competition run.

Due to the subjective scoring nature and spirit of wakesurfing, video footage of any kind will not be used by Judges, riders, or representatives to resolve any dispute.